Removing Barriers in Building


Efficient Building Systems

Build your home, business or warehouse using steel panels.

we are strong together

Our Building Systems

The B|on|c building system creates value by using technology and accountability that together generate efficiencies to meet the demands of an evolving world.

Efficent Product

B|on|c is always seeking the most efficient and cutting edge product


Building is an orchestration, most delays are related to lack of organization and accountability.


Evolving building using cutting edge products, accountability and technology to bring it all together.

A system of efficiencies

Why B|on|c?

The system reduces costs by up to 20% and time by up to 60% over traditional building.

Traditional Buidling

Efficiency Matters

Numbers matter

Cost Savings
+ 0 %
Time Savings
+ 0 %
- 0 %

what acquisition means

Getting funds for pannels

Contact us for funding options for slect projects

meet B|onic

Our experts

JB Benna

Co-Founder- Cheif Marketing Officer

Advertising and real estate expert defining company vision and product.

Tom Ortiz

Co-Founder- Cheif Development Officer

A life long builder-developer in charge of business development.

Rick Norman

Operations Manager- Chief Operating Officer

West Point systems engineer graduate and army construction engineer manages our design and field operations.

we can do it

Get in touch

Contact us

Become B|on|c certified

Work with us

We are looking for innovative contractors and sub-contractors to become certified as efficient B|on|c Building System partners.

B|on|c provided full elevations & pricing in a week for
Jens Peter Clausen
Tesla VP Gigafactory